Project Wisdom is one of the oldest and most respected character education programs in the nation. The core of Project Wisdom is a collection of broadcast messages for in-house PA or television systems. Topics include:

Since 1992, Educators across the United States have relied on Project Wisdom to guide students through the challenges of their daily lives.
comprehensive character
Project Wisdom consists of four primary offerings, which can be used separately or together to fit your school’s character education or social-emotional learning needs:
For Campuses: Broadcast messages which encourage everyone on campus to do and be their best.
For Classrooms: Lesson plans which integrate character education into all grade levels or academic areas.
For Educators: “Just For You” messages which foster professionalism, promote ethical and caring leadership, and improve classroom management.
For Students: “Beyond the Infraction” worksheets assist in the disciplinary process, turning bad decisions into learning opportunities.
Start the day with a
campus-wide broadcast message
Follow through with
in-classroom guided discussion
Focus on your own
personal and professional growth
Help students learn
and grow from the disciplinary process