30 YEARS of Character Education

March 25, 2025

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Broadcast Messages

The centerpiece of the program is a series of thought-provoking messages to be read over your PA or in-house television system. In just one minute a day, you can reach every student and staff member with a few words of wisdom which will uplift and promote a more positive and effective school climate.

Each subscription comes with one year of online access to at least 190 broadcast messages, enough for a complete school year. You and your staff will also have access to messages batched by themes, weekly journal pages, parent resources, white papers, and more.

Before you implement any program, it is important to determine if the values being fostered (1) correspond to the values your community has agreed to foster, or (2) represent values your community can agree to foster. There are enough messages in each of our series to allow for some selectivity. You can choose not to broadcast some messages, while emphasizing or repeating others.

As you examine these values, it is important to think about their meaning and remember that values overlap and even duplicate. For example:

  • Civility contains within it the values of courtesy and politeness.
  • Self-discipline implies responsible behavior and diligence.
  • Responsibility connotes reliability, trustworthiness, and dependability.

The following is an excerpt from the contents page of our Secondary-level Series 1, which illustrates the variety of values covered by our program:

Achievement p.121
Golden Rule p.10
Attitude p.63
Gossip p.99
Character p.41, p.67
Gratitude p.5, p.34
Choices p.1, p.25
Honesty p.31, p.92
Cordiality p.57
Kindness p.76, p.83
Courage p.14, p.62
Freedom p.62, p.106
Courtesy p.48, p.76
Friendship p.24
Dealing with Anger p.60
Gangs p.53
Determination p.94
Genius p.55
Diversity p.18, p.129
Generosity p.29
Doing One’s Best p.36
Leadership p.92
Drugs p.40, p.53
Manners p.134
Education p.16, p.74
Patience p.43
Experience p.33
Peer Pressure p.86
Forgiveness p.15
Respect p.27, p.68

Project Wisdom was originally developed as three separate “series,” with each series containing enough messages for a typical school year. Each school chooses to broadcast the messages in one of three ways: (1) the original sequence; (2) weekly themes; or (3) according to need.

The Original Sequence – Some schools present the Broadcast Messages in order, Moving through Series 1-3 in the order they were originally written. This approach offers broad exposure to both educators and students.

Weekly Themes – Other schools broadcast by weekly themes. This approach allows the entire campus to focus on a particular concept, promoting thorough understanding and real-life application. Examples include:

    • Choices: Building Character – a Series 1 (Elementary) Weekly Theme; included in all Elementary and K-12 subscriptions.
    • Self-Worth: Dealing with our Anger – a Series 1 (Secondary) Weekly Theme; included in all Secondary and K-12 subscriptions. 
    • Diversity: No Two Alike – a Series 2 (Elementary) Weekly Theme; included in Elementary and K-12 Extended and Complete subscriptions. 
    • Volunteerism: Making the World a Better Place – a Series 2 (Secondary) Weekly Theme; included in all Secondary and K-12 Extended and Complete subscriptions. 
    • Citizenship: I Can Make a Difference – a Series 3 (Elementary) Weekly Theme; included in Elementary and K-12 Complete Subscriptions. 
    • Know Thyself: Understanding Who I Am – a Series 3 (Secondary) Weekly Theme; included in all Secondary and K-12 Complete Subscriptions. 

Each theme includes (1) corresponding daily broadcast messages from which to choose, (2) a corresponding journal page, and (3) a corresponding lesson plan and an additional broadcast message.

In addition to the primary Broadcast Messages, Project Wisdom includes a collection of Special Messages meant to mark specific holidays, to address specific issues, or to guide campuses through major events. Examples include:

Human Rights Day: Looking Out for Others — It’s been said that safeguarding the rights of others is both a noble and beautiful thing. Students learn the meaning of the word dignity and why it’s important to treat others the way they would want to be treated.

Key Ideas: Human dignity – Golden Rule
Character Traits: Fairness – Respect – Tolerance

Labor Day: Honorable Work — Someone once said, “All work is honorable.” Each day honorable people get up and go to work. It’s easy to take for granted the benefits of that collective effort. These materials allow students to pause and reflect on all the hard work good people do each day from which they benefit.

Key Ideas: All honest work is honorable – Each of us benefits from the honorable work of others.
Character Traits: Respect – Gratitude – Strong work ethic

How to Stop the Bullying — It’s probably fair to say that teasing and bullying can poison the climate of any school. With this message and lesson plan, students explore the notion that kindness is the antidote to bullying.

Key Idea: Kindness as an antidote to bullying.
Character Traits: Respect – Responsibility – Caring

Red Ribbon Week: Keeping It Real — For people who are recovering from drug and alcohol abuse, the expression “keeping it real” means getting real about their substance abuse and the impact it is having on themselves and others. Students consider the importance of being honest with themselves about the implications and dangers of illegal drug use.

Key Ideas: Drug and alcohol use – Getting honest about the seriousness of substance abuse – Addiction
Character Traits: Respect – Responsibility – Honesty

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