30 YEARS of Character Education

March 27, 2025

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Just For You

Project Wisdom’s Just for You messages are concise, thought-provoking messages written specifically for educators to foster professionalism, promote ethical and caring leadership, boost morale, and improve classroom management.

The Just For You [message] is so valuable to me. It always comes at just the right time to give me a boost. It really helps me keep things in perspective, which is what I really need every day.

Rosemary, Counselor (NJ)

To get the most out of Just for You messages, principals, counselors, or other administrators are encouraged to deliver JFY messages to staff on a weekly basis. Staff members who have been added to the school’s projectwisdom.com account are also encouraged to login and read the Just for You messages on an as-needed basis.  [

Sample Messages:

Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying. 
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What kind of person are you? Not the person that teaches, or mentors. Not the colleague, spouse, or friend. Who are you ‐ in your heart, behind closed doors, when no one is looking? Do you cut corners or do you walk the talk? Are the different facets of your life in line with each other? No one is perfect, but there shouldn’t be great inconsistencies between who you are in public and what you do in private. It’s important to be proud of the decisions you make out of sight. You may think no one notices, but it’s those seemingly invisible things that speak so loudly.

With something to think about . . .

Remember to Take Care of Yourself

Think of admirable choices you made for no audience other than yourself.

If one advances confidently in the direction of one’s dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
 ~ Henry David Thoreau

Have you ever had what is called a lucid dream, also known as a conscious dream? In a lucid dream, the dreamer is conscious that he or she is dreaming and has control over the scenes and the characters. As we move through our waking hours, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be ever-aware that we are indeed the real-life directors of our goals and dreams and that we can choose to move confidently in that direction? Imagine what we could accomplish if we truly endeavored to live the life we have imagined.

With something to think about . . .

Remember to Take Care of Yourself

Take one confident step in the direction of your dreams, and then take another and then another.

Since most of us spend our lives doing ordinary tasks, the most important thing is to carry them out extraordinarily well.
~ Henry David Thoreau

What if you knew the exact moment when you would be called upon to act in greatness? How would you prepare? Would you act differently somehow? If you think about it, every moment is potentially that moment – the opportunity to take an ordinary situation and approach it with extraordinary love, compassion, and encouragement. In the classroom, at home, anywhere, anytime, that’s where you can be your best. There’s no special preparation needed. Just carry out your ordinary tasks in an extraordinary way. You will inspire those around you, and you will encourage your students to be their best. Isn’t that what we all want?

With something to think about . . .

Remember to Take Care of Yourself

Today is the day! Grab the opportunity to act in extraordinary greatness in your everyday activities.

The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.
~ Tom Bodett

Life is full of tests. Barely a day goes by without a few pop quizzes on patience or kindness. Most weeks have at least one test on self-control. And then there are those final exams, when our entire future might depend on whether or not we pass or fail a lesson in perseverance or integrity.

So could it be that high-stakes testing is testing you? Probably. It might be helpful to consider what lesson you can learn from the process. Who knows? It could be one of those great opportunities to ace an exam and graduate top of the class.

With something to think about . . .

Remember to Take Care of Yourself

With every challenge, take the time to figure out what you can learn from the experience. When you pass the test, do something nice for yourself.

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
~ Napoleon Hill

When we think of helping others, it can sometimes seem like a large, daunting task. There are just so many things one can do and so much time and/or money needed to contribute. Helping others doesn’t have to be a great sweeping process though. Oftentimes, small gestures can be just the perfect thing needed — like a phone call, greeting card, an errand run, or dinner delivered. There are times when the only thing needed to help someone is a little compassion or a smile at just the right moment. There is no size limit when it comes to helping, everyone can contribute in some small, great way.

With something to think about . . .

Remember to Take Care of Yourself

Include yourself on the list of people you could help with small things.

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