30 YEARS of Character Education

March 24, 2025

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Lesson Plans

Subscribers receive one year of access to our highly rated and easy to implement collection of lesson plans and weekly journals. These materials help students build character while addressing important and relevant issues such as bullying, cheating, and academic achievement. Each lesson plan contains thought-provoking discussion generators and follow-up activities for each grade level (elementary) or core academic area (secondary).

Each lesson plan uses a unique broadcast message as a springboard. Consider setting aside time one day per week to both broadcast this message and implement the corresponding lesson plan. These tools work well for weekly advisory, character education, extended homerooms, life skills, or enrichment classes.

When appropriate, these messages can provide an excellent opportunity for a student to apply his or her spoken language skills by speaking in front of an audience (the classroom or the entire school via the PA or in-house television network).

Use the discussion generators to help students think through the meaning of the message as well as consider the everyday applicability. These discussions can help students learn to communicate more effectively and appropriately, while using their critical thinking skills.

If you have limited time to devote to this content, you can take as little as 10 minutes to read the message and spend another few minutes discussing the content of the message.

Use the worksheets as an opportunity for students to reflect. Reflection is a key component of any effective character education. These worksheets are intended to allow for reflection, critical thinking, and an opportunity to demonstrate the ability to comprehend, interpret, and evaluate information and to apply their written language skills.

When appropriate, counselors can use the messages, themes, and character words in counseling sessions. (“Self-Worth: Dealing with Our Anger” – Remember our theme this week? There are better ways to deal with anger. Would you like for me to help you with that?)

Another key component of any effective character education is integration into the daily curriculum and classroom experience. Each lesson plan includes follow-up activities which are intended to take the character lesson and apply it more specifically to either grade levels (elementary) or content areas (secondary). If your school is organized into clusters, groups, or teams of teachers, work together for the most effective use of these activities.

Project Wisdom’s third-party research indicates that using the Weekly Journals improve results. These are great tools for discipline, classroom management, or simple encouragement. These easy-to-access journal pages allow students to reflect on their choices, attitudes, and behaviors.

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