30 YEARS of Character Education

January 21, 2025

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Dear Educator,

Imperfection is in the very nature of human beings. None of us is without flaws. So by way of a “gentle disclaimer,” please allow us to say this: most of the individuals quoted in Project Wisdom are, in fact, human and therefore imperfect. Some may have a controversial side. To the best of our knowledge, all who are quoted are in good standing with the general public at present. However, things change. Information is sometimes revealed that dishonors a public figure, making that individual an inappropriate role model.

Please use discretion when presenting these messages. What is appropriate on one campus may not be on another. You might ask yourself, for example, if your students and staff will accept messages that teach about the various world religions and their holiday observances. We have provided many more messages than should be needed in the course of a typical school year. In addition to the broadcast messages found in our online library, broadcast messages are included in each of the lesson plans found on this site. We encourage you to take advantage of the selectivity this allows you.

Thank you for seeing the value in this program. Without the feedback, encouragement, and support of educators, this program – which began as a parent volunteer effort – would not be the success it is today. Your comments, suggestions, and feedback are always enthusiastically welcomed. Please share your thoughts.


The Project Wisdom Team

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