30 YEARS of Character Education

March 27, 2025

License Agreement

Project Wisdom, LLC d/b/a Project Wisdom, Inc. (“Project Wisdom”) materials are licensed to individual schools (“Licensee”) on an annual, subscription basis. By purchasing Project Wisdom materials, making use of the same, or by registering for access thereto, Licensee and its authorized users agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Broadcast Project Wisdom materials over the PA or in-house television system at the School.
  • Assign access to Project Wisdom materials, via projectwisdom.com, to school employees or contractors, for use consistent with this License Agreement.
  • Print or digitally distribute Project Wisdom materials, for use by school employees, contractors, or students, consistent with this License Agreement.
  • Provide online access, or assign subscription seats, to persons who are not the Licensee’s contractors or employees. 
  • Provide Project Wisdom materials, physically or digitally, to individuals who are not employees, contractors, or students at the school. 
  • Transfer any portion of this program to other schools via email, computer, internet, social media platform, subscription access, or broadcast system.
  • Copy any individual Project Wisdom messages, lesson plans, journals, or other materials to any internet site, including your school/district site. No podcasting is allowed.
  • Use the Project Wisdom signature opening and closing lines for any messages other than the Project Wisdom messages.
  • Sell, loan, rent, lease, or sublicense any materials covered by this License Agreement.
  • Broadcast any of the Project Wisdom materials off campus.
  • Use Project Wisdom materials, in any way, upon expiration of its license (i.e. subscription).  
  • Alter or modify any of Project Wisdom’s intellectual property in any way.*
Additional Terms:

This License Agreement is non-transferrable. This License Agreement supersedes and replaces any prior license agreement between Project Wisdom and Licensee. This License Agreement is governed by Texas law. The only damages available to Licensee under this Agreement are the refund of its license/subscription fees. No consequential or indirect damages are permitted. Project Wisdom does not make any representations or warranties to Licensee, its employees, contractors, students or anyone else affiliated with the School as to fitness for purpose or effectiveness of Project Wisdom content or materials.

The failure of Project Wisdom to enforce at any time the terms of this License Agreement in no way makes it invalid. Project Wisdom will make reasonable efforts to ensure the availability of Project Wisdom materials during normal business hours. Violation of this License Agreement by Licensee may result in revocation of access to Project Wisdom materials without refund. 

Please honor the spirit of this character-building program by honoring this agreement.

*Project Wisdom materials were carefully piloted and screened by educators, students, and parents of diverse racial, religious, economic, cultural, and educational backgrounds. Great care has been taken to keep these messages universal in approach while honoring the valid concerns of educators and parents about the values presented. Though your intentions may be honorable, we respectfully ask that you not jeopardize the effectiveness and life of this program by altering its content.

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